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Archery GB Progress Awards Scheme

The Archery GB Progress Awards Scheme is for new and current archers who wish to boost their skills and knowledge. The scheme is a great motivator, encouraging archers to go further in the sport while having fun – with certificates and badges awarded for achievement along the way.


The nice thing about the awards is that it doesn’t matter which bowstyle you use, all archers are welcome. It also doesn’t matter about your gender as there’s not a separate scheme for women and men.


There are five badge colours you can receive – White, Black, Blue, Red, and Gold – each colour depicting a particular skill level, and you can gain them in any order you like. So, if you have a particularly good session, can you get the scores for a Red or Gold before you’ve received your White? Then that’s perfectly fine. You just can’t claim more than one badge from one set of scores.


There's a separate set of badges for indoors and outdoors, so you can chart your progress across both seasons.


Score Tables for Progress Award Scheme

Six Gold, Three Gold, Six Clout

These awards can be claimed for seniors and juniors who shoot six arrows, one after another, into the gold during one end with a recurve or compound. The Three Gold badge is open to archers who shoot three arrows, one after another, into the gold during one end with a longbow. These awards can be claimed at any competition or Club Target Day.


The Six Clout badge is for six arrows shot one after another, at one end into the Clout i.e. the 5 zone of an Archery GB Clout tournament. Claims may be made either at a record status tournament or club Target Day.


AC Delco will be running Club Target Days throughout the year.

252 Award Scheme

The 252 award scheme is designed to help you practice your shooting at different distances and recognise your achievements.

A 252 must be the first or part of the first round shot on that day.

After 6 sighters, you shoot 3 dozen arrows on a 122cm face at your chosen distance. The round can be shot at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 yds with the aim of scoring 252 or better (alternative scores apply for other bow types). If you achieve the score twice you can claim a badge.


The Rules:

  • Six sighters to be followed immediately by three dozen scored arrows.

  • 5-zone scoring (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1) using a 122cm target face.

  • The three dozen arrows may be shot alone or as the first three dozen of a longer Imperial round.

  • Badges must be claimed in sequence.

  • Scores need to be achieved twice to qualify for the award.

  • Qualifying scores for a given distance must be shot on different days and same bowstyles.

  • To make an award claim 2 signed and witnessed score sheets need to be submitted to the club’s 252 Coordinators.

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