1 Jan 2024
Yearly round up and plans to come
As we move into 2024 the committee would like to say a big thank you to all the support team who are behind the running of the club, and especially to the mum's and dad's who are the unsung hero's of our young archers as their support is invaluable. The club has had a very succesful year on the tournament circuit with lots of wins across the board and we even held our very first tournament in years at our own ground with the re-introduction of the Chris Sherwood shoot. A few up and coming things to look forward to in 2024. In march we welcome back the Waterside vs Delco interclub competition which is great fun for all juniors and adults. Please sign up and help support your club. Still a few spaces available! This is a fun shoot so should be reachable for any archer to partake comfortably. The 'Bus pass shoot' (Delco 50), will be being held on August 15th - more details to come nearer the time. This year we are also re-instating the ashes. A much loved tradition -shooting against an australian club - score matching only! Don't worry, we don't expect you to travel! and discussions on a topsy turvy shoot that ranges from 15m - 100m where archers are able to push their skill level to whatever distance they desire & hopefully we plan to re-host the Chris Sherwood shoot again subject to planning. Weekly classification shoots. Sessions on how to maintain your equipment. A pseudo field shoot with 3D targets and a burger and buns night are all on the agenda for 2024. Thankyou to all our members who make the club what it is. We all look forward to shooting with you in 2024.